
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010


the world Say's that you cant do it BUT to let you know! THE LORD SAY'S YOU CAN!

When I stare into the mirror What is it I see? I see my own reflection, Staring back at me. 
But then I look deep within , The mirror of my soul. I see my present, and my past , And what the future holds.I see myself as what I am , And what I could have been. I see the shadow side of me,That's hidden deep within. As I stare at my reflection,Staring back through my own eyes. I see myself as others do,But I also see the lies. Others cannot see, of course,This person I conceal. They know the person I've become,But my other side is real. The mirror rids me of disguise, Of hatred,truth, and tears,I see myself through my own eyes,And see my deepest fears. Maybe I should end it all,So many ways to die. I lean up against my wall,And suddenly begin to cry. The tears stream down my face, As I begin to say-goodbye. Good-bye, sunshine, goodbye, mom
Cant say i didn't try Then I look into the mirror, And see me standing there! A trouble, lost, and lonely child,With tear stained cheeks and matted hair.The mirror has two faces One of truth, reality .The other is what others see,My made-up fantasy
Well, mirror, thanks for being there,But it's time I step away. It's time my mask came off for good,The real Me's here to stay
Lord ...

You have examined me and know all about me.

You know when I sit down and when I get up

You know my thoughts from afar.

You know where I go and when I lie down.

You know everything I do

Lord even before I say a word you already know it

Thanks Jesus

for knowing Your sheeps by name..

Tiada Ternilai (a True Worshippers "Glory to Glory" cover) [by Clara & A...

- maukah kau memelukku ? -

Kadang-kadang ada hari dimana aku marah
tanpa alasan yang jelas
dimana aku menangis dan bersedih
hanya karna masalah sepele

Di hari yang tidak berpihak padaku,
hari yang sangat melelahkan....
Rasanya aku ingin marah
kepada semua orang

Walaupun beribu-ribu kali meyakinkan diri sendiri
semuanya akan baik-baik saja
Walaupun sudah berusaha keras
untuk tersenyum menghadapi semuanya
Namun ada hari dimana aku
bahkan tak bisa menghibur diriku sendiri

Kalau begitu...
Jangan bertanya alasan mengapa aku seperti itu...
Jangan bertanya apa-apa padaku
Hanya cukup....

Mau kah kau memelukku??
Peluk dan rangkul saja diriku.....